Tag Archives: wayfinding kiosks

Wayfinding Digital Signage – Case Study Philadephia

Wayfinding for Airports and Digital Signage Philadelphia International Airport improved passenger flow with a digital wayfinding solution. Custom kiosks provide real-time flight info, optimal paths, and remote assistance. The system integrates various data sources and serves dual purposes: wayfinding and digital ads. It enhances passenger experience and generates revenue, ensuring future adaptability and growth.  Here is nice case… Read More »

Wayfinding Kiosks Case Study – New York Moynihan Train Hall

Wayfinding Kiosks At Work To reclaim its status as “America’s front door,” New York’s Moynihan Train Hall located in the legendary Penn Station needed a fresh update of the entire facility. 22Miles offered Moynihan an infusion of dynamic and diverse technology, integrated into a solutions suite that was easily customized to its unique needs. 22Miles implemented interactive wayfinding… Read More »